About Me

About Me

My name is Ronald Bailey. I am an American living part-time in Belgium (the Flemish speaking part for 30+ years) and part-time in the USA. I have also lived in Germany (7 years), Thailand (1 year), and Italy (6 months). I was born and raised in Northern California and have lived in Colorado, Illinois, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, and Ohio.

What I do and have done


Traveling and photography are two of my main hobbies (along with reading). I have travelled to many other countries in Europe, Asia, and North America. I can claim to have been in all 50 States, but a couple I only drove through.


My education includes a bachelors in history from Stanford, and two masters degrees, one in Logistics Management and the other in Systems Management.

My active languages are English, German, and Dutch (or Flemish if you prefer). I have largely forgotten my French, Italian, and Thai.


A career as an Air Force officer was followed by teaching at the college / university level as well as computer classes for the US Army. My last paying job was for the US Embassy to NATO.

I welcome constructive comments on any of my blog entries. I am not too old to learn from you.