Biden’s Chance
Early in Biden’s presidency, we read about him becoming a second FDR. This was largely about the ambitious program to change much of America’s domestic economy and government. Political realities made this an illusion (for better or worse – I will not go into that now). Now he has a second chance to become an FDR.
In the long period where England (or rather the British Empire) faced the power of Germany (and Italy) alone, the US, under FDR’s leadership, provided vital support with weapons and materiel (the Lend-Lease program). The US was not in the war, but was definitely supporting one side. The Ukraine war forces a similar choice. Can President Biden rise to this? I, for one, hope so.
3 thoughts on “Biden’s Chance”
Praying for good decisions from our leaders for sure!
Biden wanted to be another FDR, but in reality he is a worse version of Jimmy Carter. He has caused the highest inflation rates in forty years and it seems that inflation will continue to increase under this idiot of a president.
I have not and do not support the majority of his domestic agenda and I agree that it has greatly contributed to inflation (but inflation exists in other countries – this suggests that his actions are not the sole cause). Since I believe that I am a patriotic American, I hope that he has success in his foreign policies. So far, he has been better than I feared, but not as good as I hoped. There is still some time to improve.
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