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Category: Background and History

Looking into where things come from

Basic Concepts – Culture

Basic Concepts – Culture

Culture is humanity’s secret weapon*. It allows us to develop and retain adaptations many magnitudes quicker than genetic evolution. It has allowed us to survive and even prosper in nearly every land environment on the earth. Cultures change, they are changing all the time. However, possibly excepting catastrophic events, deep changes require more than a single lifetime. I just used the word “culture” in the singular, but in reality, any larger collection of people has a multitude of cultures with…

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Living in a Socialist Country

Living in a Socialist Country

I and my family have had the unusual opportunity to live for a long period (nearly 36 years, we are not just tourists) in a socialist country. By this, I do not mean one of the socialist totalitarian countries (such as Cuba), but rather a democratic country with a more mixed economy. It is of a type which I think that most of our liberals have in mind when they endorse socialism (our radical left is a different thing). We…

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